About Us · Published August 1, 2022
Symplat & The Low Code Revolution

techManta Architecture Team
The following blog is compiled jointly by the technical architects at techManta.
Low Code Platforms are here to stay; it is a logical progression after GPL(General Purpose Languages) such as C++, Java, Kotlin and Swift alongside multiple tools and IDEs (Integrate Development Environment) onto single workspaces, declarations, drag’N’drop & completely click-based abstracted workflows. Low Code platforms do not demonise coding but try to minimise the need to write lines of code as much as possible, and No Code in some cases.
With a nearly 25%-200% improvement in Costs, Productivity, Quality and Brevity; Low Code Application Development, based on choice of platform can significantly game Traditional Software Application Development practices.

techManta Architecture Team
Every line of code authored when Software Engineering an Application has implied costs for - maintenance, testing, adding new features over existing lines of code. These costs add-up exponentially over time and quite importantly knowledge is stuck in silos of individuals or groups. Product & Delivery Heads have to rely on peak productivity and minimal churn amongst these Individuals or Groups for agile outcomes with their products.
Symplat is Pioneering the Low Code Revolution.
Digitization Juggernaut & Citizen Developer - A juggernaut momentum has been gathered towards digitization of processes and software applications. Digitization will be the overwhelming flavour of activity in the software engineering space for quite some time to come; this momentum will give rise to a character known as Citizen Developer; they are folks who are currently in very diverse roles such as ‘Product Managers’, ‘Product Engineers’, ‘Domain Experts’, ‘Software Engineers’, ‘Technology Consultants’ who are going to switch over to being more Techno-Functional than the purist roles of the past; Abstracting and Mapping real-world processes and software requirements into digital experiences will be their primary job profile.
This compelling quote from Microsoft about Low-Code and its relevance today is un-mistakable 🙂:
“As the pressures of 2020 grew, developers were asked to fundamentally reinvent how businesses operate. That was asking a lot of developers who are already stretched beyond capacity. It was in these circumstances that we saw many developers adopt and support low-code tools.”
Low-code has the potential to fundamentally change how developers work, and we’ve only scratched the surface on how low-code tools and professional developer tools can be used together to get solutions out the door more quickly.
-- Microsoft Blog
Microsoft (Low Code Blog) : Software Development in 2021 and beyond.
The Spectacular Market Size
Market Research companies such as Forrester & Gartner have an opinion on the market size of Low Code Platforms. We think it is bigger than that, far bigger. Here are some facts, figures and accompanying notes :
In 2021 Start-Ups based in USA raised $329.9 Billion - That is a huge market for Low-Code Development and yet we are only talking about a sliver of opportunity, we have not added stats for other raging start-up ecosystems in China, India, Indonesia, Chile, Germany, Israel; so forth. Also, existing enterprises digitizing many of their processes and applications or refactoring their existing software products.
US VC-backed companies raised $329.9 billion in 2021
On the flip side you cannot build a search engine or a social network with Low Code but for so many companies or verticals within companies; a far greater value for capital can be realised by adopting low code.
How ? By looking at the “Spaghetti / Splatter ” of all the applications, vendors, systems, sub-systems in an organisation & rationalizing it down to the “Core” product or “Value Proposition” - that which can definitely not be done with low code platforms and switching to low code platforms for everthing else. When Organisations do such rationalization exercises, Inefficiencies will be glaringly evident; we know this, from our 50+ years of combined experience of the founders.
Starting Up The Low Code Market
The Compelling Reason To Go Low Code
Where traditional software application development esitimates six months and millions of dollars to build and deploy an application; those figures in some cases can be ramped down to two weeks, three people, 25-30% of the costs – and end up with a faster, higher quality, more flexible app to boot.
Firstly, Enterprises who already realise the cost savings and efficiency coupled to Low Code Development are already adopting it -
“A January 2021 survey by research firm IDC of 380 enterprises showed 48.6% of respondents are purchasing low-code or no-code platforms to move innovation in-house. The second-largest reason for purchasing the software tools (39.3%) was pandemic-related needs”.
The momentum is clear, Gartner predicts that by 2025, 70% of new applications developed by enterprises will use Low-Code or No-Code technologies — up from less than 25% in 2020..
Also, According to Morgan Stanley, there is a worldwide shortage of software engineers. There are now 26 million developers in the world, with an expected need for 38 million developers by 2024.
Gartner Predicts 22% growth in Low Code Development in 2022
Symplat & How We Do Low Code
We are Different, Symplat is Different ! - Cliched? Definitely Not !! 😊.
Why? Because, we are attacking far more complicated patterns in Software Engineering & Application Development than our competition.
First things first, in the simplest of words —
We Abstract Software Engineering Patterns into Click Based, Auto-Completed Suggestions.

techManta Architecture Team
This is a Big Productivity & Quality booster; “You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know”; with Auto-Completed Suggestions we are reducing what is unknown and constraining the system with the right options which in-turn exponentially increases quality. An analogy would be Auto-Completed Google Search Term Suggestions, usability shot up with Auto-Completed search term suggestions.
We accomplish this by paying attention to the relationships between entities in a domain than the domain itself such as Fintech or Manufacturing. To quote some simple examples -
A “Bank Account” has “Many” “Transactions”, (Fintech)
A “BOM (Bill Of Materials)” has “Many” “Items”, (Manufacturing)
Symplat Domain Model Mapping : Advanced Model Mapping
We pay attention to these “Entity” relationships, associations, compositions, polymorphic behaviours and so forth. Hence we are not isolated to a domain and once we build a feature into the platform it is available in perpetuity for all domains and any domain we operate in.
Symplat (Low Code) Features : Symplat
Symplat (Low Code) In The Wild
We have been consulting with our platform and building our own apps as well. The first application of our platform was built in only 10 days and are APIs for the calculation of carbon foot-print for various activities. We plan to integrate these calculators in ERPs, Business Applications and Reporting Tools as mandated by the IPCC.
Symplat Low Code APIs : GHG Use Case
Another Successful Use Case was Data Logistics - We ported vast legacy ERP data for Business Continuity Purposes of a 25 Years Old Manufacturing Firm with 2500 BOMs (Bill of Materials), Multi-Level Sub-Assemblies, Multiple Plants and on-boarded them onto the Cloud.
Customer Success: Learn More
Symplat (Low Code) Magic
User Experience is the Product; For Low Code Platforms it is the Developer Experience which is the Product.

techManta Architecture Team
For this specific Data-Logistics application of Symplat (Low Code Platform); We were mapping data between 2 Completely Disparate ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planners) & it is no small feat; we though added jaw-dropping features to make our own Developer Experience top-notch as we were doing the mapping, E.x. - Providing actual legacy Data entries as Auto-Completed / Intelli-Sensed Options as we were typing them out.
How about that !!!
Contact Us
Due to NDA (Non Disclosure Agreements) which are currently in effect due to existing Vendor Contract Negotiations, we are not at liberty to advertise all the parties of the project. If however this project is of interest to you please do contact us and post we do the vetting process and sign NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) we are happy to provide references and demos of our capabilities.
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