Customer Case Study · Published July 5, 2022
A Customer Success Case Study

techManta Architecture Team
The following blog is compiled jointly by the technical architects at techManta.
The following blog is one of our Tech Consulting Expertise Case-Study for a 25 Year Old Manufacturing Firm with 2500 BOMs (Bill of Materials), Multi-Level Sub-Assemblies and Multiple Locations to on-board them onto the Cloud. Along the way we also used our Low-Code Platform - Symplat to port their vast legacy ERP data for Business Continuity Purposes.
We began the pitch as early as Jan 2022; being an Electronic Manufacturing Firm, we were dealing with a business team mostly from a Tech background who already understood the benefits of the Cloud - the conversations were fairly quick & convenient and we quickly identified the Tech Stack needed on AWS (Amazon Web Services) for deploying a Modern Web-Based ERP and some other Digital Tools.
The Assembly Lines were using an ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planner ) from 2006 which had been through couple of updates over the decades & was hosted on their premise servers; it was used quite thoroughly for their Production Planning, Item Alternates, Work Orders, Job Cards, Chart of Accounts, Batch Number traceability across Production Orders, Quality Inspection Templates; what any multi-plant Manufacturing Firm would need at Scale.
Firstly, to help the customer shortlist some cloud friendly web-based ERPs we had two of the most popular Open Source ERPs - Odoo and ERPNext set up on our domain private VPC (Virtual Private Cloud); to take an example Production Plan to the Delivery Note stage. The customer eventually settled on ERPNext due to the range of modules available, accounting and tax compliance releases. ERPNext too is built using “frappe” which is a Low-Code framework and Open Source at that.
Challenge Accepted !! is usually how we begin most projects at techManta. Our Vast Experience Shipping Technical Projects for various Domains & Enterprises of All Scales has provided us many opportunities to overcome real-world problems for our customers, who we have delighted with Excellent Outcomes.

techManta Architecture Team
techManta Shipped Data Between Completely Disparate ERP (Enterprise Resource Planner).
Business Continuity
Business Continuity is paramount for companies of any scale, Small or Multi-Geographic Enterprise. It is also the one thing which holds businesses back from trying out newer technology stacks as well, the problem of dealing with existing data and how to port this data to newer technology stacks and keep the show going with the least amount of heartburn.
We provided Business Continuity for our customer by porting all the historic master data & chart of accounts data from the legacy ERP to ERPNext, we call this application ‘Data-Logistics’ in our company.
In this case we had to port vast amounts of data from the old ERP to ERPNext such as - Stock (Item), BOM (Bill Of Materials), BOMItem, BOMOperations, Quality Inspection Templates, Quality Operations, Workstations, Units of Measurments, Supplier, Sub-Contractors, Chart of Accounts with 1000+ Ledgers & so forth, it was quite a long list.
Data Model Challenges
Challenges : We had to export data across two completely disparate ERP data-models; also the data needed house-keeping before it was ported, to add to the complexity there were many business rules too to account for.

techManta Architecture Team
An Example : The BOM (Bill of Materials) for an Item was revised many times by the design team over the years so we had to port only the Operations, Items, Quality Templates from the latest design updates.
Another Example : All ‘Parties’ belonged to a single domain entity - “Party” in the legacy data-model; for this data-logistic activity the data had to be sliced, diced & qualified from the source or legacy ERP for import into the corresponding Masters of ERPNext like ‘Customer’, ‘Supplier’, ‘Employee’.
We did this all with our Low-Code platform Symplat with auto-completed, intelli-sensed suggestions; even if we got it wrong it did not matter we were only a few key-strokes away from identifying the right maps.
Auto-Completed, Intelli-Sensed Options on the keystrokes as the data-maps are being created.
Symplat (Low Code) Magic
User Experience is the Product; For Low Code Platforms it is the Developer Experience which is the Product

techManta Architecture Team
For this specific Data-Logistics application of Symplat (Low Code Platform); We were mapping data between 2 Completely Disparate ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planners) & it is no small feat; we though added jaw-dropping features to make our own Developer Experience top-notch as we were doing the mapping, E.x. - Providing actual legacy Data entries as Auto-Completed / Intelli-Sensed Options as we were typing them out.
How About That !!
Contact Us
Due to NDA (Non Disclosure Agreements) which are currently in effect due to existing Vendor Contract Negotiations, we are not at liberty to advertise all the parties of the project. If however this project is of interest to you please do contact us and post we do the vetting process and sign NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) we are happy to provide references and demos of our capabilities.
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